Monday, April 5, 2010

All in All Today

I was afflicted with strong headaches in the left lobe of my brain multiple times. These were almost like spasms as they lasted only a few minutes each. I can't quite recall how many but it was definitely more than six. Probably near 10.

My left knee has throbbed all day and my headache never receded. My left ankle also has hurt for the last six hours.

My mom wants me to post all the things I've experienced that are possible symptoms since this January 28th 2009. Here's an imperfect list. Note that items marked with a + are common issues. Those marked with a # are daily issues and those unmarked are uncommon occurrences.

Strong migraines lasting for days.+
Collapsing muscles in limbs especially but also in the torso and neck.#
Long-lasting sharp pain in left or right hip bones.+
Involuntary, subtle Head-nodding.#
Significant coordination loss in fingers and hands.#
Painful tactile sensitivity.#
Painful light sensitivity.#
Painful sound sensitivity.+/#
Reduced sense of smell.+
Reduced focus.#
Short-Term Memory loss.#
Long-Term Memory loss.+
Short-Term Confusion (inability to comprehend a sentence or concept).+
Issues speaking (getting stuck on a word or sound).+
Issues Speaking (speaking complete Gibberish) - note this has occurred for years for a few moments after a strong orgasm.
Inability to swallow.+
Reduced sense of taste.#
Spastic pain in the eyes.#
Dryness of mouth.+
Over-salivation of mouth.+
Extremely painful finely localized spasms of short-term piercing/burning pain (anywhere in the body, including the center of the eye).#
Extremely painful generally localized spasms of short-term crushing/throbbing/piercing pain followed by hour or days of painful tactile sensitivity and tenderness (particularly in the ribs or upper thighs).#
Knitting muscles that remain "balled" for hours/days.#
Multiple interruptions in sleep due to severe nightmares.# - Note I have had a 24 year history of severely graphic and particularly terrible nightmares.
Interruptions in sleep due to falling half-asleep and waking up with a severe headache due to oxygen deprivation and full-body numbness -(like my whole body fell asleep).
Interruptions in sleep due to falling half-asleep and waking up unable to move limbs, neck, head or torso and unable to breathe. +
Dryness of eyes.#
Feeling pulse in my eyes.+
Feeling pulse in left/right or both lobes of brain.(Near) #
Numbness in hands, feet and/or ankles.+
The feeling of fever.+
Rapid heartbeat while resting.#
Itching in the throat.+
The smell of ammonia when I shower.#
Feet are overly moist and susceptible to injury or sores due to friction due to weakened skin on feet. #
Feet smell of dead flesh.#
Whole body jerking/twitching when laying down to sleep.#
Strong twitching in arms, hands, neck, legs.#
Spasms of the eye muscles/upper cheeks (one side only).#
Pulsing ache in feet, ankles and/or thighs.#
The false sensation of partially caught food in throat for several minutes.#
Popping muscles in neck, shoulders, back when rolling shoulders/neck.(Can do almost this anytime)#
Pressure in chest/sternum (like weight on chest).#
Extreme tactile sensitivity of chest/rib area causing pain when touched or in contact with blankets, clothes.# -(always active)
The feeling of electricity/fire running up spine along the outer edges of the cord. #
Muscles (any) that do not respond to mental commands.#
Intensified pain due to physical activity/movement that can lead to light-headedness, nausea and blackouts.#
Loss of apetite.+
Inappropriate Emotional reactions (crying easily for no reason or uncontrollable rage when stubbing toe) - note this isn't bi-polar related as it occurs whatever mood I happen to be in and the mood present prior to this response is retained.+
Changes in personality (lost interest in integral personality motivators).+
Inability to think creatively.+
Emotional-overreactions to insignificant comments to others due to reduced focus or confusion.+
Severe depression.+
Reduced Empathy/Sympathy or an impaired sense of value for other people or things. +
Reduced 'spiritual' sensitivity.

There's more but I can't remember any more and my hands are asleep (completely numb).

Have a good day. I'm sure my therapist will kick my ass today. It sucks that lifting your leg straight hurts so much you almost pass out.

"Life is Worth Dying For"

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