Thursday, April 8, 2010

Post-Therapy Report

Had MAJOR problems with uncontrollable shaking of the arms during therapy, also had significant problems during therapy with my body not responding to mental commands. My right hip/side was a screaming 9-10 and still is. I'm also having confusion problems bad right now, did during therapy too (blanking, forgetting what I'm doing, getting lost in where I'm supposed to be going/what I'm doing). I'd say it's a 6, which is bad. Also having hand coordination issues (can barely type right now) and problems spelling (significant for me, I'm having to think out "problems").

I am also in a lot of pain all around and am tired and nauseous. The tired is from low amount of sleep.

Suck. Was happy when last couple days were better...

"Life is Worth Dying For"

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