Monday, April 5, 2010

This morning

Woke up and lower back is on fire (6 minimum, much walking/standing/sitting at all spikes it to a 7.5). Left side hurts like hell (like I've been running a long time). Left ankle aches (4). Headache started it's day strongly at a 5 the moment I opened my eyes. Jaw aches probably from teeth-clenching in the night. Also, lost time last night between 5-6 (but thankfully my phone let me know I was writing up my last entry, god bless blackberries).

On way to therapy and my headache spiked to a 7 just before Mom showed up and after busting my ass out to my car the bottom of my right foot is on fire.

Therapy will probably Rock my world in a miserable way but maybe I'll get lucky.

"Life is Worth Dying For"

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